Ode Federation Website Terms & Conditions

Ode Federation Website Terms & Conditions

Ode Federation sells luxury custom fine art and bespoke sculptures along with designer products in New Zealand and Australia to members of the public, retailers and other businesses.

Please contact Ode Federation’s Privacy Officer at: enquiries@odefederation.com with any queries.  

Use of website compliance

By using this website (www.odefederation.com (the or this website)), you acknowledge and agree that you do so at your own risk, and you are deemed to understand, acknowledge and guarantee to be bound by these terms and conditions and all applicable laws. This website can be accessed from outside New Zealand. If you access this website from outside New Zealand, you are also deemed to be doing so at your own risk and acknowledge that you will abide by the laws of the location from which you are visiting this website. Ode Federation accepts no liability for use of this website either within or outside of New Zealand.
You should review the Terms and Conditions of this website before your continued use of this website, even if you are a return user. The reason being, Ode Federation will review and update these terms and conditions and retains the full rights to action changes at any time. If you do not agree to the current Terms and Conditions, you must cease using this website. 

Use of website disclaimer

By using this website or by purchasing any product from Ode Federation, you indemnify Ode Federation (and its directors, its contractors and affiliated parties) from any liabilities, claims, costs, loss (including consequential loss) or injury or damage suffered or caused by your relying on any content within this website.
Ode Federation makes no guarantees or warranties either inferred or expressed as to the ongoing functionality and operation or the website, nor of the content within the website (including but not limited to all copy, imagery, videos and product designs), except as required by New Zealand Law.
Any choice you make about any content or product on this website is done so at your own risk and you take responsibility for evaluating and managing your own situation.
Ode Federation, its directors, contractors and affiliated parties will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury (including but not limited to: Direct, indirect or consequential damages or injury) that emerge from using this website, the content within or any products obtained from this website or its affiliated parties (including, but not limited to its retailers).

Product Availability

If you have any questions around product availability, please contact: enquiries@odefederation.com

Ode Federation makes every effort to keep the product information and availability up to date on the website, but due to demand, Ode Federation makes no guarantee that the products displayed will be available for purchase.

Copyright and Trademarks

All content (including but not limited to all copy, imagery, videos and product designs) within this website is the property of Ode Federation and/or our affiliated parties and is protected under copyright, trademark and patent laws of New Zealand.
Use or copy of any content or product designs whatsoever within the website is strictly prohibited.
If you fail to abide by this clause, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ode Federation and any of our affiliated parties against any losses, claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including loss of profit) which Ode Federation may incur as a result of you failing to comply with this clause.

Website Ongoing Functionality

Ode Federation does not guarantee uninterrupted use of this website and accepts no liability for it becoming unavailable during use or for not being available when you wish to use it. 
Ode Federation does not warrant that this website can always be able to be used without interruption. By using this website, you acknowledge that sometimes this website will be down or under construction or unavailable for other circumstances.

Claims and information on the website

If you have any questions about any content whatsoever on this website, it is your responsibility to seek external guidance. If you wish to enquire with Ode Federation, please contact Ode Federation at enquiries@odefederation.com
Specialist information, including but not limited to the safety testing information is based on information received from third-party businesses and industry experts and Ode Federation accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information.


These terms and conditions and use of the website shall be construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand Courts, to determine any matter or dispute which arises under these terms and conditions in accordance with the laws in New Zealand.

If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable the validity, existence, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired.
Failure by Ode Federation to enforce any provision of these terms and conditions shall not be treated as a waiver of that provision, nor shall it affect Ode Federation right to subsequently enforce that provision.